The TCM Group is an ILM and OCN approved training centre and many of our short courses are accredited by the CPD Certification Service. Our training courses are designed and delivered by world leading experts in the fields of alternative dispute resolution, mediation, coaching, organisational psychology, employee relations and employment law.

Developing your organization’s resolution approach will require a new mindset, new behaviours and a set of new capabilities. At TCM, we offer a comprehensive portfolio of high impact training solutions to support your organization as you transition from your old style HR processes to an exciting and innovative integrated people policy (IPP). Whilst our courses have been tried and tested over the past 20 years, we tailor our training to meet your unique needs and context. That’s why so many of our customers think of TCM as their trusted partner. You can read some of the reviews that people leave for us on TrustPilot further down the page.

Please call us on our free Resolution Helpline which is 0800 059 0595 or complete the short form at the end of this page.

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A selection of customer reviews

Want to get started?

Please contact us today to learn more about our world class portfolio of conflict management, mediation, coaching, investigation skills, leadership, management, HR and resolution centre training programmes.

Alternatively, please call us on TCM’s Resolution Helpline: 0800 059 0595.

We look forward to speaking with you…