You will be in good company as you implement your framework as organizations such as The BBC, KPMG, Burberry, NEXT, Aviva, Nationwide BS, Capgemini, TSB Bank, Virgin Atlantic and numerous NHS Trusts, councils, universities and police forces have worked with us to do the same.

Integrating a Resolution Framework™ will initiate an exciting programme of cultural transformation for your organization. As you move away from the rigid and damaging human resources policies of the past, you will experience a whole new array of benefits for your employees, your managers, your leaders, your people and culture (HR) team and your organization.

To assist this process of cultural transformation, we have developed a robust set of products and services designed to support you. These include diagnostics, project management, stakeholder engagement, reporting, case management, compliance, programme evaluation and more.

Ready to get started?

For whatever reason, you may have decided that enough is enough. It’s time to let go of the past and embrace a new future for resolving issues in your workplace. That’s great news and let us be the first to welcome you to the Resolution Revolution!

Making the decision to change is the first (and maybe the biggest) step. Securing a partner to help you on your resolution journey is the next.

That’s where we come in; we’d love to hear from you…