The Resolution Framework™ for Health and Social Care Organisations.

The Resolution Framework™, also known as The Respect & Resolution Framework™ has been developed as a fair, just and restorative alternative to traditional health and social care HR policies and procedures. It is being adopted by more and more NHS trusts and other healthcare organisation. This page explains more and contains loads of useful resources.

The Resolution Framework delivers tangible benefits to health and care organisations:

  • Protect relationships and maintain trust, respect and communication.
  • Protect people’s self-esteem and their dignity.
  • Create psychologically safe places to resolve complaints, concerns and conflicts free from fear of retribution or retaliation.
  • Reduce the stress, anxiety and trauma associated with traditional disciplinary and grievance procedures.
  • Encourage adult to adult dialogue and remove the stigma of mediation and restorative principles.

This short explainer video provides provides an overview of the Resolution Framework…

Nicky Ingham, Executive Director at the Healthcare People Management Association (HPMA)

“We must admit that we have hurt people. Staff are being harmed and we are doing this to them through our continual application of formal procedures. It’s time to put the policies away and adopt a common sense point of view. Very few staff come to work in order to make a mistake. We must listen to what our colleagues have to say, allowing them to fully explain their circumstances, rather than being forced to try and prove their innocence. When things go wrong, the question shouldn’t be who to blame, but who has been hurt by what has gone wrong?”

Who has adopted TCM's Resolution Framework™?

Below are just a selection of the NHS and other social care organisations which have adopted TCM’s Resolution Framework™ and its predecessor, the Resolution Policy™.

Explore some of our recent NHS, Health & Social Care projects


Download our E-Book

The Resolution Framework™ is a fully integrated and legally compliant system for addressing discipline, performance, and grievances within the healthcare setting.

This unique E-Book has been created to shine a light on the urgent need for the NHS to reframe its current approaches for managing complaints, concerns, conduct and conflict at work.